Nokia Oyj

Nokia Oyj is a leading Finnish multinational telecommunications company that has been at the forefront of innovation since its inception in 1865. The company specializes in the development and manufacture of mobile devices, network infrastructure, and related services. Nokia has played a significant role in the development of the global telecommunications industry and continues to provide cutting-edge technology solutions to customers worldwide. Its offerings include 5G networks, cloud-based services, and advanced mobile devices. Nokia is committed to sustainability and social responsibility and strives to create a better future for all through its products and services.

Instrument specification for Nokia Oyj

Minimum order value 1
Description Nokia Oyj
Maximum order value 10830
Transaction Step 1
Type Equities FI
Trading Hours monday-friday 09:01-17:24
Contract size / 1 lot Price * 1 EUR
Deposit required 30%
Value of 1 pip 0.001
Financial leverage 3:1
Minimal step 0.001
Long swap (daily) -0.01917%
Short sale YES
Short swap (daily) 0.00111%
Distance SL and TP 0
3-day swap (date) 5

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