
Heineken, a Dutch multinational brewing company founded in 1864 by Gerard Adriaan Heineken, is one of the world's largest beer producers, operating in over 70 countries. With a portfolio of more than 300 beer and cider brands, including Heineken, Amstel, Dos Equis, Tiger, and Strongbow, the company is committed to sustainability, setting ambitious goals to reduce its carbon footprint and water usage. Heineken supports local communities through initiatives such as providing access to clean water and supporting small businesses. Known for its innovative marketing campaigns, Heineken sponsors major sporting events such as the UEFA Champions League and the Rugby World Cup. The company's mission is to "brew a better world" by creating great-tasting beer while also making a positive impact on society and the environment. The iconic "Heineken Experience" in Amsterdam offers visitors an interactive tour of the brewery and the brand's history.

Instrument specification for Heineken

Minimum order value 1
Description Heineken
Maximum order value 531
Transaction Step 1
Type Equities NL
Trading Hours monday-friday 09:01-17:29
Contract size / 1 lot Price * 1 EUR
Deposit required 20%
Value of 1 pip 0.001
Financial leverage 5:1
Minimal step 0.001
Long swap (daily) -0.01917%
Short sale YES
Short swap (daily) 0.00111%
Distance SL and TP 0
3-day swap (date) 5

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