Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA

Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA is a renowned Portuguese multinational company that specializes in the retail sector. The company's core business is the distribution of food and consumer goods through its retail chains, which include Pingo Doce, Recheio, and Biedronka. With a presence in Portugal, Poland, and Colombia, Jeronimo Martins is one of the largest food retailers in Europe and Latin America. The company is committed to providing customers with high-quality products at affordable prices, while also promoting sustainable and responsible business practices. Jeronimo Martins is dedicated to reducing its environmental impact and supporting local communities through various social responsibility initiatives. With a strong focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Jeronimo Martins is continuously expanding its operations and consolidating its position as a leading player in the global retail industry.

Instrument specification for Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA

Minimum order value 1
Description Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA
Maximum order value 2434
Transaction Step 1
Type Equities PT
Trading Hours monday-friday 09:01-17:29
Contract size / 1 lot Price * 1 EUR
Deposit required 20%
Value of 1 pip 0.001
Financial leverage 5:1
Minimal step 0.001
Long swap (daily) -0.01917%
Short sale YES
Short swap (daily) 0.00111%
Distance SL and TP 0
3-day swap (date) 5

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